Haul-In Pass - Winter Season
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Haul-In Pass - Winter Season

November to March - $70 per month

HAUL IN PASSES: the purpose of a Haul-In Pass is to offer patrons an opportunity to exercise and pleasure ride horses during the winter season (November – March ONLY).

The following rules will be enforced by Kittitas Valley Event Center staff. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Each Rider Using Bloom Pavilion Must Purchase a Haul-In Pass

  • Rider must have a signed contract and liability waiver on file at the KVEC Office.
  • Rider must have Haul-In Pass on his/her person when riding in the Bloom Pavilion.
  • Passes are valid until the last day of the month purchased only.
  • Passes are not transferable or exchanged between riders
  • One Rider with two horses allowed per Haul-In Pass
  • Only one horse in the Bloom Arena at a time, unless you pony one horse.
  • Second horse must be kept in or tied to side of trailer.

Haul-In Pass Time Allocation

  • Haul-In Pass Users may only enter Bloom Pavilion as scheduled on the calendar. Additional times and dates may be added to the calendar, at the discretion of KVEC and will show as Haul In Pass Extra Ride Time.
  • Regularly scheduled ride times will be as follows (times and days subject to change based on arena scheduling):
    • Monday 8AM-7PM
    • Tuesday 8AM-2PM
    • Thursday 8AM-9PM
  • Note: Due to the increased need to maintain and prep Bloom Pavilion for other renters, Haul-in pass users will NOT be able to ride during open non-rented times.
  • Arena will be closed daily from 3:00PM-4:00PM for maintenance, you must exit the arena and not reenter until equipment has cleared the arena
  • Haul-In Pass Users may not enter the Bloom Pavilion when the arena is in use by an Hourly contracted user, unless invited.
  • Please check the schedule on this page for date and time changes before riding.

Bloom Pavilion Arena Only

  • Rodeo Arena, Pens, Barns, and associated areas are CLOSED to Haul-In patrons.
  • Horse riding is not allowed along paths or grass areas within the facility.
  • Return Bloom Pavilion, parking, restroom areas to the condition you found it – pick up litter, close gates, clean up after yourself, etc.

Arena Work Ups in the Bloom Pavilion

  • Haul-In Pass Users must exit the Bloom Pavilion when the Maintenance Staff are required to work up the arena or perform emergency maintenance. NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Arena will be closed daily from 3:00PM-4:00PM for maintenance, you must exit the arena and not reenter until equipment has cleared the arena

For the Safety of All Haul-In Pass & Hourly Users

  • Be courteous, considerate and aware of fellow riders and horses.
  • All children must be supervised at all times by a non-riding adult.
  • No alcoholic beverages are allowed at any time.
  • No horses may be tied inside Bloom Pavilion to arena panels, roping boxes, posts or structures.
  • No horse is to be left unattended.
  • Rider/horse traffic must always travel in one direction. Communicate a change in direction before executing a change in direction.
  • No stallions allowed in Bloom Pavilion when using a Haul-In Pass.
  • Line lunging strictly prohibited with Haul-In Pass.
  • No riding lessons are to be conducted under the Haul-In program. (Lessons further defined below)
  • No breaking or training colts or green horses under the Haul-In Pass program. (Training & Breaking further defined below)
  • No horses allowed in pedestrian or spectator areas and walkways. Horses must remain one horse length away from bleachers.
  • No obstacles including barrels, poles, and jumps allowed in Bloom Pavilion with Haul-In Pass usage.
  • No animals including cattle, goats, and dogs allowed in Bloom Pavilion under Haul-In Pass program.

Lessons (Not Allowed)

  • No private or group lessons allowed with Haul-In Pass usage.
  • Those wishing to give lessons must arrange private hourly time with the Kittitas Valley Event Center business office.
  • Private lessons are defined as anyone giving instructions to an individual and/or a group on a scheduled or organized basis (either outside or inside Bloom Pavilion).

Breaking & Training Horses (Not Allowed)

  • No breaking and training colts and/or green horses on a Haul-In Pass. must book private hourly time. Green horse is defined as any horse that is in its first 60 days of breaking and training.
  • If a rider and/or horse are out of control and/or considered an endangerment to others, KVEC personnel will direct rider/horse to leave premises.

Shoeing Horses Inside Bloom Pavilion (Not Allowed)

  • Horses may be shod ONLY after making a reservation with KVEC business office first, and not in Bloom Pavilion.
  • All material including nails, shoes, hoof clippings, paint must be cleaned up immediately.

Dogs In Boom Pavilion or Barns (Not Allowed)

  • Dogs outside Bloom Pavilion or barns must be leashed and with attendant at all times.
  • Dog owners are responsible for cleaning up dog poop and litter.

No Parking in Front of Bloom Pavilion Entrances or Shop Doors

  • Park allowing room for other trucks and trailers.
  • Do not block access in and out of gates, doors, and interior roads.
  • Any trailers or other vehicles and/or equipment left unattended on Event Center grounds for a period over 24 hours, shall accrue a storage fee of $25.00 per day.


  • All participants are required to comply with the latest guidelines, mandates, and proclamations set by Kittitas County Public Health Department, Washington State, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). All participants will be required to comply with all social distancing, masking requirements and allowed capacities. If any participant is reported to be out of compliance with the set standards, the ride could be cancelled with loss of deposit or full payment.

All Bloom users are responsible to clean up after their animals and deposit waste in the Pit (against the cliff).

This includes manure pickup in parking lots and roadways.

Haul-In pass and Hold Harmless

HIP Participant Agreement

You will be emailed an invoice for payment. Once payment is received we will email a virtual pass for the month.

Personal Information

Vehicle Information

  • I understand that this agreement will be in effect for the entire October 2023-March 2024 season.
  • I understand that I must purchase a monthly Haul-In-Pass for each month I wish to participate.
  • I have been provided a copy of the “Haul-In-Pass Rules & Regulations” and accept and agree to abide by all Rules & Regulations for the Haul-In-Pass Program. Further, I understand that my failure to abide by these Rules & Regulations may result in the revocation of my Haul-In-Pass without refund.
  • I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Equine Activity Release and Hold Harmless Agreement provided to me, and have returned a signed original with this Participant Agreement.

I have read this agreement and accept all terms included herein.

Equine Hold Harmless Agreement:

I, the undersigned, on behalf of myself or my child named below (if applicable), in consideration for my/our participation in equine activities, as that term is defined in RCW 4.24.530, at the Kittitas Valley Event Center, do hereby understand, acknowledge, and agree:

  • That activities with equines (a horse, pony, mule, donkey, or hinny) are potentially dangerous and involve inherent risks that may cause myself or my child accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including but not limited to broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering or death.
  • That I am voluntarily participating in equine activities and expressly assume all risk of damage to property, injury or death to me or my child, directly or indirectly, as a result of participation in equine activities at the Kittitas Valley Event Center.
  • That under Washington State law, except as provided in RCW 4.24.540, Kittitas County, as an equine activity sponsor shall not be liable for an injury or the death of a participant engaged in an equine activity, and no participant nor participant’s representative may maintain an action against or recover from an equine activity sponsor or an equine professional for an injury to or the death of a participant engaged in an equine activity.
  • To release, indemnify and hold Kittitas County and their officers, agents and employees harmless from any and all demands, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses in respect to death, injury, loss or damage to any person or property directly or indirectly arising out of or resulting from my action or my child’s action or any action of any invitee of myself or my child or any death, injury, loss or damage to property or persons caused by any animal brought onto said premises by myself or my child or by any invitee of myself or my child.

I have read and understand this Equine Activity Release and Hold Harmless Agreement and checking this box signifies my acceptance of these terms and conditions.

I agree to the terms and conditions
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